vrijdag 15 juli 2022

Naturally! about living together in the city


In August 2021, my husband and I started thinking about creating a book together, on a subject close to our hearts. As a biologist my husband would create the content and I would make the photo work and the drawings. The subject would be the striking and interesting changes of nature in and around cities. For quite a period we had immersed ourselves in this development.

A a result, mainly because of the expansions in agriculture, we discovered that the role of nature in cities becomes more and more important for the liveability of humans and animals. In spring of this year, we had created a well-illustrated story based on the various urban biotopes. By putting our ideas on paper, we think we developed a modest but well-thought-out contribution to the necessary contemporary developments. We hope to inspire policymakers and citizens for this important cause.

The book is called: Natuurlijk! over samen leven in de stad", so far only available in Dutch. Some examples of the illustrations are attached. Interested? Mail me (miriamscha@gmail.com) and I'll send you a copy for the cost price (€ 10.-) + postage.

Bookcover "Natuurlijk! full colour, 40 pages, 20x20 cm
Aeshna cyanea (Southern hawker) in city garden in Holland
Wall vegetation in Paris
Segestria Florentina in Dutch city garden