After quite a homely period of about a year, we set off to southern France, mid-september. We were hoping for nice walking and cycling weather and of course we were eager to observe birds, flowers and insects.
On our outward and return journey we visited some lake areas such as the lac de Madine and and the lac du Der. Our main goal was the Camargue, with its enormous diversity of waders (especially flamingos), vast nature, impressive "taureaux", salt lakes, quiet small roads, friendly people and its lovely "haute cuisine". A very nice holiday mix.
We were surprised by the large number of butter- and dragonflies. Perhaps because it was still quite warm, some 27 degrees Celsius. We learned a lot about the variety of grasshoppers. The Mantis Religiosa, the praying grasshopper, is our favourite! While jumping some 10 meters, it looks like a white butterfly.
As you can see, the nutria and the waders enjoyed the water; the scarlet dragonfly and the tree frog the pleasant sunlight.
What a wonderful life, there in the Camargue!