maandag 14 oktober 2013

Paris and “la Géode”

In September we spent a long late summer weekend in Paris.
It was the Ron Mueck’s exhibition and the friendly weather that attracted us. And we were not at all disappointed. Apart from the great art, the impressive architecture, the gardens  and the beautiful variety of people, we were pleasantly surprised by the increase of cyclists in this extraordinary city and the play areas for children along the Seine.
As my photos may show,  I was most excited about  “la Géode”, it was there in all its beauty, simply because of the Magritte-like sky.  
Sometimes you just get lucky!

La Géode
Ron Mueck: Couple under an umbrella
Street art
Basilique du Sacré Coeur
Climbing along the Seine
La grande dame de fer, la Tour Eiffel
L’église St-Sulpice
Jardin Botanique
La Géode and the happy photographer